Thursday 7 October 2010

'Liberalism has turned its back on Individual Liberty' DISCUSS

"Man is born free but everywhere is in chains." ROUSSEAU

Hello you prototype politicians! Here's a thought... Liberalism began with the discovery that people should be regarded as individuals, each imbued with dignity and capable of self-realisation. It was an expressed desire to release people from excessive government control and to allow them to be free.
However, from this starting point, liberals have increasingly seen the state as the guarantor of freedom rather than as oppressor; inviting ever greater government intervention into the lives of individuals. Indeed, some would say that the pursuit of individual freedom is now the preserve of the political right.
So, what do you think? Does modern liberalism in any way preserve the ideas of that ideology's founders? I look forward to seeing what you think... (feel free to quote key thinkers)

NOTE: One element of this is to investigate and represent the priorities/policies of CONTEMPORARY liberalism (eg the Liberal Democrats) as well as 'New Liberalism' as a 100+ year old school of thought. This debate should usher us into next week's topic.